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Denton: The Other White Meat

What better fitting advice could be given to those in the Texas social scene, than that of Denton’s own Neon Indian? Anyone located in Texas with active brain synapses is aware of the two social scene titans…(Austin and Dallas) that take precedence over events, attention and attendance year after year. Among the thrill seekers and pavement stompers, are those jaded with the metroplex club and bar scene.


What of them? Are they bound to the perpetual beat of the metroplex drum, with predictable routines full of overcrowded night—clubs, mundane bars and terrible music? Absolutely not! In fact, the sweet universe has birthed a place to alleviate the woes of the weary, weary social scavengers of Texas and rekindle their passions once more. They should embrace the message of adventure embedded in the lyrics of Adam’s, “find something else to do” and journey to this mystical location simply named, “Denton, TX”. Be warned, this location has a tendency to capture the affection of those who enter, and believe it or not, they can end up becoming permanent residents. That being said, be prepared to change your mailing address…


This article is a call for Denton to gain the respect it deserves by introducing this incredible city to the masses that constitute the Internet; however, we’re going to take you further in depth as coverage of Denton continues in segments. As you’ll come to find out, Denton is a very complex location—one that consists of artistic flair, delectable dishes and haphazard happenings. Be prepared for future updates going into further detail about each of these aspects, but for now how about we start with an introduction and we’ll see where the night takes you…


Denton, TX is nothing less than a haven; a beacon of hope for those conflicted with norms of typical suburbia or the congestion of the city. Established in 1866 as a strong agricultural trade center and manufacturing destination for mills and cottage industries, it has since become a bustling college town aglow with individuals seeking a future; either full of knowledge and success or perhaps food, drinks and entertainment. Houses donning superlative architecture from the 1920’s line the major roads that run through the heart of Denton, as well as a nostalgically sublime historical littering of monuments and buildings throughout the entire span of the city.


Bicyclists, long boarders, Vespa scooters and eco friendly cars fill the roads of Denton as residents and tourists meander about, indulging themselves with a little Denton culture and atmosphere. During the day streets teeming with worn band stickers, street art or promotional posters seem desolate or slow; however, once night falls these very streets become awash with crowds of patrons and socialites that cast the humming echoes of mixed conversations into the dark sky—a call irrefutable to those longing for endeavor.


Think of “Portlandia”, right? Except in this case, it’s in the (slightly) less rainy, hill—charged area of North Texas with characters just as ridiculous and farfetched, if not more so.  From E.B. the “Fry Street Bubble Van Man” who will score you some spiced herbs or novelty goods from inside his van that expels a swarm of bubbles onto the patrons of Fry Street, to the girl from the meme notorious for causing guys everywhere to have night sweats and panic attacks (Overly Attached Girlfriend)—that’s right gentlemen she attends UNT, to “The Sign Man” who posts ridiculous signs in his back yard to incite emotion: Denton has the characters you secretly crave and will eventually come to love.


So you’re stoked on visiting Denton but you are curious about the artistic “scene”, environment or disposition that exists within Denton.  Perhaps you’ve heard someone else speak of Denton as the red—headed, smaller brother of Austin. Is this fact or fiction? While one can’t deny there are subtle similarities between Denton and Austin; one should not make assumptions based solely on appearances. After all, weren’t we instructed throughout our lives to make decisions based on our own? Perhaps I can speak with certainty when I say that the best lessons learned or the most dynamic experiences gained came from instances when we engaged in them personally. So how about we ditch the critics, round up some friends and formulate with your own hands—an opinion! Rest assured vexed reader, Denton has a charmingly unique artistic feed that nourishes all who have an open mind or a thirsty heart.


Now then, a taste of what’s to come. There are restaurants, bars and bistros galore in Denton, to such a degree your head will spin. But no need to fret, you’re getting the hook up with some of the most popular and noteworthy spots in Denton in some of our upcoming posts. We don’t want to spoil the surprise, but we’ll give you a sneak peek at some places that we believe deserve a bit more elaboration:

-J&J’s Pizza: Ingredients so fresh and pizza so delicious it makes DiGiorno taste like the cardboard box in which it was enclosed. Ingest some food and culture with routine events that showcase local talented artwork spanning mediums from music to paint.

-Cool Beans: Burgers guaranteed to cause addiction. Get a taste of some grunge cuisine and eclectic 90’s atmosphere in this bar on Fry St. Also, check out Trivia Tuesdays to see the true worth of your random knowledge.

-The Black Box: Theatre performances guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat. Gain some perspective and enjoy some original plays at this local theatre hall.

-Banter: Soothe that caffeine withdrawal headache with some of the most flavorful brew in Denton and vibe out to some suave jams at this unique location.

-Oak St Draft House: Get your micro brew fix and some fresh air at this bar located inside of a house that is the 3rd oldest in the city of Denton.

That’s only a glimpse into the vast array of attractions that Denton has to offer. To list them all would not only make for a long read, but would also be robbing you of the serendipitous wonder of the journey that awaits you!


For those that are really looking for an adventurous evening or to explore the path less traveled, check out on your own these alternative suggestions:

-IOOF Lodge and Cemetery (W Oak St—above McBrides) & (Highland St & IOOF St)

-Downtown Mini Mall I&II (118 North Locust St)

-Scrap Artwork (215 W. Oak St)

-Abbey Underground (100 West Walnut St)


I’m sure by now your skull is about to burst with information, so let’s dial it down with a recap shall we? Just roughly 30 miles north of Fort Worth, exists a place to implore your inner artist and release some inhibitions: Denton, TX. There exists a plethora of social spots, restaurants and bars that will keep you venturing back for another night out to this college town. Now to give you a friendly nudge: go out, mingle and plug yourself in socially in Denton and you might just find how lovely it can be to have a break from the mundane metroplex of DFW!


Denton, TX is a place to commemorate the original and embrace the new. There is a charm that Denton exhibits that will capture anyone interested in the atypical and unforeseen. It can be stated with confidence that Denton is its own unique, well—concealed location that is absolutely worth the attention of anyone involved socially or artistically. With various outlets to implore your passions, Denton could be the perfect place for anyone and everyone to discover who they truly are. So break free of the “chicken or turkey” (Dallas—Austin) paradigm and try the other social white meat with more flavor, Denton, TX!


Itching for more Denton? No need to see the doctor, just take an ice bath twice a day, apply some cortisone and check our blog routinely as we go deeper into the eclectic ambiance that is Denton. We’ll give you the scoop on where to find the real action, what’s worth your time and money and what to expect when venturing into this arcane location.


Do you have any experiences, stories, memories or thoughts about Denton, TX you’re willing to share? If so post through Facebook or Twitter!